
About Saleh Al-habib Investment Group

Considered Saleh Abdul Aziz set the beloved investment of the leading Saudi Arabia, where the group was founded about twenty years, and since the groups have emerged as its name since its inception and became referred to as stigmatized and may have achieved success praise of God and grace in all areas worked out and are trade and construction and real estate
And of absolute faith in the officials in the group of the importance of specialization in business in general since its inception, the group has specialized focus its work to the work of commercial centers in construction activity and real estate .otaat_khass in high-end women's fabrics in trade activity and as a result, the group got the membership of the World Assembly for shopping centers (ICSC) and is the only facility in Saudi Arabia, which carry these organic and leads an elite group of high potential of human resources both by area of ​​specialization.